2019 Grant Awardees

Suffolk Foundation Awards $137,000

December 04, 2019

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757 923 9090 office 

For Release on December 05, 2019

On December 4, 2019, the Suffolk Foundation made its Annual Grant Distributions at the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts. This year the Foundation was able to disburse $137,000 to thirty-one (31) different nonprofit agencies. Since the Foundation received its 501 (c) (3) nonprofit community foundation status in October 2007, it has awarded over $5,900,000 in unrestricted and donor-advised grants and scholarships.  The Foundation funded agencies seeking support in the following areas: Cultural Arts, Education, Environment, Health, and Human Need. As the invested funds continue to grow, the Board anticipates being able to support more agencies, and a diversity of needs, with more funds.

The 2019 SUFFOLK FOUNDATION grant recipients were:

  1. Access College Foundation ($5,000) – will provide operating support of the ACCESS program in the Suffolk public high schools and in two Suffolk public middle schools, as well as the colleges Suffolk public school students are attending.  Fully-funded
  2. American Red Cross of Coastal Virginia ($5,000) – will support American Red Cross direct disaster services (food, shelter, clothing, medications, etc.) to those affected by home fires and other disasters in Suffolk).  Fully-funded
  3. Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia ($3,500) – will help support a DIY STEM and Career Launch programming for Suffolk students.
  4. Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters ($7,500) – will help support CHKD’s Child Abuse Program by providing medical, mental health, and forensic services to children suspected of being abused and neglected (partially funded by donations made in memory of Angus I. Hines, Jr.).
  5. Coalition Against Poverty in Suffolk ($7,500) – will help support eviction prevention.  Fully-funded
  6. Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia ($5,000) – will help support the Backpack Program in Suffolk public elementary schools, which provides food-insecure children with nutritious food on weekends and during school vacations.  Fully-funded
  7. ForKids ($7,500) – will help provide critical education services for homeless students in Western Tidewater by funding materials, supplies and transportation for ForKids education programs.  Fully-funded
  8. Friends of the Suffolk Library ($3,000) – will help support a Junior Library Staff Internship for downtown Suffolk teens.
  9. Habitat for Humanity South Hampton Roads ($2,500) – will support provision of sound abatement mitigation construction for Suffolk project.
  10. Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast ($5,000) – will support STEM programming for girls in grades K – 12 living in Suffolk.
  11. Nansemond River Preservation Alliance ($10,000) – will help support The Nansemond Watershed Initiative Community and School Environmental Education Program, which encourages environmental stewardship (funded by grants from the Richard F. III and Carolyn Barry Donor Advised Fund & the Dwight and Jane Schaubach Donor Advised Fund).  Fully-funded
  12. Riddick’s Folly ($1,500) – will help support the community education programs.
  13. Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia ($5,000) – will improve access to medical care by providing transportation to medical appointments for Suffolk senior citizens and persons with disabilities.
  14. SPARC ($500) – will help support a public art project to beautify the downtown arts/cultural district.
  15. Special Olympics Virginia – Area 29 Suffolk ($2,000) – will assist in funding the cost incurred for three major events: the Suffolk Games, Summer Games and Fall Championships.
  16. Suffolk Art League ($2,000) – will help fund professional visiting artist workshops in four Suffolk high schools and six Suffolk middle schools and allow for 4th and 5th grade Talented Art students to tour the Suffolk Art Gallery and participate in a hands-on workshop.
  17. Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts ($8,000) – will help support the SCCA’s Student Matinees, Artists in Schools Program, and youth art education initiatives.
  18. Suffolk Literacy Council ($4,000) – will help support the Student Achievement and Retention Project. 
  19. Suffolk Meals on Wheels ($9,000) – will help support funding for meals for need-based recipients in the underserved areas of Suffolk and Isle of Wight.  Fully-funded
  20. Suffolk Sister Cities International ($1,000) – will help support the costs for Suffolk youth to attend the Sister Cities International Youth Leadership Summit.
  21. Suffolk-Nansemond Historical Society ($1,500) – will help support the Donated Items Archive Project.
  22. The Children’s Center ($2,000) – will support the purchase of equipment needed to expand the Suffolk facility.
  23. The Doorways ($3,000) – will help support the Patient and Family Access Program serving Suffolk area residents who stay at the Doorways each year.  Fully-funded
  24. The Genieve Shelter ($5,000) – will help support the Rapid Rehousing Program serving Suffolk area residents.
  25. The Links ($2,000) – will help support scholarships for free swim instruction and water safety classes to children in underserved communities in the Suffolk area.
  26. The Salvation Army, Suffolk Corps ($8,000) – will help support the basic needs programs and community center programs of the Salvation Army and the Robert Harrell Physical Health and Education Center.  Fully-funded
  27. The Suffolk Cheer Fund ($2,500) – will provide toys to needy Suffolk children at Christmas.  Fully-funded
  28. The Up Center ($2,500) – will help support outpatient counseling services for 468 individuals in Suffolk and the surrounding areas by providing Trauma Informed Care Services.
  29. Virginia Legal Aid Society ($5,000) – will help support the “Strengthening Families with Children” program, which incorporates legal advice and representation to strengthen low-income families.
  30. Virginia Symphony Orchestra ($2,000) – will help support the Young People’s Concert series for all Suffolk Public Schools 5th grade students.  
  31. Western Tidewater Free Clinic ($9,000) – will help provide dentures to 35 Suffolk patients to improve their overall health, self-esteem and employability.  Fully-funded

31 Grantees, 31 Grants
Total Unrestricted Funds Awarded $125,400
Total Donor Advised / Designated Funds Awarded $11,600
Grants Total   $137,000

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