Press Release
From the Suffolk Foundation
If you would like more information contact:
757 923 9090 office
For Immediate Release
Suffolk Foundation Awards $129,955
In December 2014, the Suffolk Foundation made its Annual Grant Distributions at the Foundation office. This year the Foundation was able to disburse $129,955 to thirty-two (32) different nonprofit agencies. Since the Foundation received its 501 (c) (3) nonprofit community foundation status in October, 2007, it has awarded over $3,100,000 in unrestricted and donor-advised grants and scholarships. The Foundation funded agencies seeking support in the following areas: Cultural Arts, Education, Environment, Health, and Human Need. As the invested funds continue to grow, the Board anticipates being able to support more agencies, and a diversity of needs, with more funds.
The 2014 Suffolk Foundation Grant Recipients were:
- Children’s Literacy of Suffolk ($2,500)– will help provide tutorial reading education (Book Buddies) to at-risk students in Title I Suffolk elementary schools.
- Hope For Suffolk at Westminster Church ($1,000) – will help support funding to provide opportunities for low income individuals to experience the dignity of work, supplement their income and learn job skills.
- Western Tidewater Free Clinic ($6,000) – will help support the dental program, providing full and partial dentures for Suffolk patients.
- Virginia Opera Association ($2,000) – will help provide program activities for Suffolk Public Schools kindergarten students, with programs based on tales of Hans Christian Andersen and fully staged with professional singers.
- Virginia Legal Aid Society ($5,000)– will help support “Strengthening Families with Children” program, which incorporates legal advice and representation to strengthen low-income families in stress.
- Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia ($7,000) – will help support a tutoring program for 15 club members and the “Kid’s Café” program, which serves meals and snacks to over 200 club members. $7,000
- American Heart Association ($2,500) – will help fund the implementation of the CPR Anytime Program, resulting in training to save lives by using CPR.
- ACCESS College Foundation ($2,500) – will support the operation of the ACCESS program in the Suffolk Public High Schools and two middle schools as well as the colleges Suffolk Public School students are attending.
- Suffolk Partnership for a Healthy Community ($2,500) – will help complete the third year of a community-wide, comprehensive, well-care management program, called Positive Lifestyle Commitment Program.
- Suffolk Family YMCA ($5,000) – will help address the area’s childcare crisis by assisting thirty-five low-income children attend an after-school program and providing ten children a week of summer camp.
- The Children’s Center ($2,000) – will help allow the placement of books for the Second Step: Social-Emotional Skills for Early Learning Program in Suffolk’s classrooms.
- ForKids ($5,000) – will help provide after-school math and reading remediation (did not fund transportation support).
- Suffolk Art League ($1,000) – will help fund professional artist workshops in Suffolk’s high schools and middle schools and allow for fourth and fifth grade talented art students to visit and participate in hands-on activities at the Suffolk Art Gallery.
- Suffolk Art League in partnership with the Suffolk Public Library System, the Suffolk Art Gallery, the Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts, and the Public Library Systems from six cities in Hampton Roads ($1,000) – will help support the regional project titled “Seven Cities, One Book” by purchasing copies of Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451.
- Girl Scout Council of Colonial Coast ($2,500) – will help address the need to educate youth about making healthy living choices by recruiting thirty girls in grades 4-8 to participate in the “Healthy Living Program”.
- Suffolk Literacy Council ($5,000) – will help support the Tutor and Student Training and Retention Project.
- Virginia Symphony Orchestra ($3,000) – will help support the symphony to continue to provide the Young People’s Concert to all Suffolk Public Schools fifth graders.
- Suffolk Youth Athletic Association ($5,000) – will help with the cost of construction of a facility that will house restrooms, equipment, and a meeting/training room.
- Special Olympics Virginia Area 29 ($3,000) – will assist in funding the cost incurred for three major events: the Suffolk games, Summer games, and Fall championships.
- Suffolk Education Foundation ($4,755)– will purchase five laptop computers and a secure storage cabinet to help allow middle school students in the So Why! Energy after-school program to explore alternative energy sources.
- Southeast 4-H Educational Center ($2,500) – will help provide increased opportunities for youth to attend the summer residential camp.
- Paul D. Camp Community College Foundation ($5,000) – will help facilitate a second Math Symposium and to help continue PDCCC’s Math Academy.
- Voices for Kids ($2,500) – will help support the recruitment, training, and supervising of volunteers to speak for the best interest of abused and neglected children.
- Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia ($5,200) – will help support the Backpack Program at Elephant’s Fork and Booker T. Washington Elementary Schools.
- The Up Center ($2,500) – will help support the Suffolk outpatient counseling services by providing Trauma Informed Care Counseling.
- Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughters ($7,500) – will help support CHKD’s Child Abuse Program by providing medical, mental health, and forensic services to children who are suspected of being abused and/or neglected.
- The Salvation Army ($5,000) – will help support the basic needs programs and community center activities of the Salvation Army and the Robert Harrell Physical Health and Education Center.
- Nansemond River Preservation Alliance ($5,000) – will help support The Nansemond Watershed Community Environmental Education Program, which encourages environmental stewardship.
- Nansemond-Suffolk Academy ($5,000) – will help support the expansion of the NSA robotics program to include Upper School First Tech Challenge team.
- Nansemond-Suffolk Academy ($3,000) – will help continue to support the Saints Diversity Initiatives.
- Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art ($2,500) – will help support SOL-based Outreach programs in Suffolk Public Schools by providing up-beat lessons and hands-on activities that integrate visual arts with the core courses.
- Southeastern Virginia Area-wide Model Program ($5,000) – will provide 250 trips to medical appointments for senior citizens and people with disabilities.
- Suffolk Center for Cultural Arts ($5,000) – will help support the Center’s Student Matinees, “Artists in Schools” program, and youth art education initiatives.
- Suffolk Meals on Wheels ($6,000) – will support funding for meals for additional need-based recipients in the under-served areas in Suffolk.
32 Grantees, 34 Grants
Total Unrestricted Funds Awarded $120,021
Total Donor Advised / Designated Funds Awarded $9,934
Grants Total $129,955